lunes, 6 de agosto de 2007


THE ERROR ANOTHER WAY OF LEARNING was just the last sentence I wrote for another page before of my journal, I´ve considered it, first of all, I think there isn´t no problem if in some cases any situation can present the possibility of a little error, mistake or frustration, it is a normal condition of human being. Moreover, in second place to understand that in the spaces of living together or creativity, the self- esteem is not built over awards but overcoming the difficulties. We must decrease the level of intransigence with the mistakes of other people and accept them as part of quotidian facts.
The philosopher Popper, in a lecture about tolerance and the errors, told: “any science is exact and any scientist leaves to commit mistakes”.
Let´s see as I understood mistake: it is a slip,” a little hole” in the process of thinking because it´s something temporarily forgotten and the error is the ignorance of some specific form that must be used in a step of learning. Allwright and Bailey mentioned that the typical definition of error does reference to the production of a linguistic form which change from the correct form; understanding as a correct form to the native speaker´s norm, identified as the native produce it. Other authors do a clear distinction between error (reflects the intellectual level of a student, it is a remarkable deviation of grammar, by other side, a native wouldn´t have this kind of problems) and mistake”desliz” (it is an actuation error, a suddenly break).
Looking the error and mistake since the pedagogical point of view, they´re both important, they are in fact signs or evidences of the progress in the process of learning. Error plays a crucial role as in the teaching process as in learning process because it shows to the teacher the competences levels the students have reached and let to the students to evaluate some aspects about the object language.
Error is seen as a natural and necessary part of acquisition of the target language that´s because beginner’s errors are more frequent than an advanced learner. Teacher must understand his role is to encourage not to criticize, examine the way the error can be corrected, if it´s done in a negative or depreciatory one, motivation can end or decline.
Encouraging students to become more active participants no matter the times the things don´t go well is the big task; tolerance, patience and comprehension in high doses, besides including the error as a human condition and an opportunity to motivate students to achieve higher levels of proficiency in the future.

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